We know that 36 percent of the scientists at NASA are now Indians, but did you know that India will become number 1 source of PHP developers soon. In a research report released by PHPClasses, number of PHP developers in India has been steadily increasing in the last few years.And soon we will replace the current United States as the main resource for the PHP development.
If we look at the figures regarding the users in PHPClasses site US-based developers stands at the top with 11.8% of the total number of users followed by INIDA with a percentage of 10.5% running behind in the race are Brazil and Germany with 5.22% and 4.66%.An interesting fact to note is that few years back USA ruled the charts with 20% of all users whereas INDIA account for only 3%.
When we look up at this drastic change it is not possible to locate at the exact reason why this happened.But the fact that the developing a site in INDIA is quite less than what the US and the European market charges can not be denied.If the growth remains in the same pace we will have lots of companies developing php based sites and products like X-cart, Magento, OSCommerce etc. However the report also states that the number of certified professionals in INDIA are very less compares to the US and European countries.