Author: Mercury
How to make More Revenue from your X-Cart Store with Facebook
Facebook, once only known for social gatherings and reconnecting with friends on the web, is beginning to look like a huge online marketplace and a great platform for building a brand and interacting customers. As e-commerce and online business swell to new heights, smart entrepreneurs are taking advantage of networking opportunities to help brand their business, build targeted traffic, and increase sales.…
eBay’s Investment in Magento Revealed
eBay revealed at their latest analyst day that it owns a 49% stake in Magento and their invest $22.5 million one year ago. Magento announced back in March 2010 about the investment in a blog post without revealing the identity of the investor. eBay officially confirmed that they invested $22.5m in Magento in return for a 49 per cent stake in the four-year-old company on Thursday and caught many by surprise.…
PayPal: The Most Suggested Way to sell Digital Goods
One of the best ways to make money online is to sell digital products. PayPal is the best recommended practices to use and already the leading payment methods for digital goods . PayPal has recently given sellers improved permission and requirements by officially launching its faster, safer way for consumers to purchase their favorite digital content: PayPal for digital goods.…
10 Success Factors for an E-Commerce Website
E-commerce is the technical term for buying and selling products or services. E-commerce site can attract the visitors if it is able to cater to the requirements of the users in a convenient manner. For sites that exist primarily to sell products, it’s very easy to look at sales and have a measuring stick to use when evaluating the success of the website.However, there are many number of factors that can influence the success of an e-commerce site, and identifying areas of strength and weakness is not always so simple….…
Increase your Social activities through your X-Cart Facebook Automation module.
People depending on other people for the information that inform their buying decisions.”Human beings listening to human beings,not ads”. Social networking is now more popular than email. According to Nielsen online’s 2009 study, 66.8% of internet users have used social networks,while only 65.1% have used email*.57% of U.S. Adults have a profile on a Social Networking site……