XCartWarrior is here now. MercuryMinds is so pleased to announce that we have opportunely launched a new X-Cart Support & Maintenance services “XCartWarrior” ventured by us for better handling of our customer issues and questions. We have grown up with X-Cart working for the past 5 years from version 4.x.x to the latest version.
Here are some of the key features of XCartWarrior:
- X-Cart Installation
- Upgrades & Security updates
- X-Cart website customisation
- Bug fixing in x-cart sites
These are just a few, there are vast amount of other features offered by our support service.
Just create an ticket and get help or assistance from our expertise at resonable cost. We hope our XcartWarrior will build life-long customer relationships and improve the overall customer support experience.
Visit X-Cart Design & Development Services for more details about our new X-Cart Support & Maintenance services.